Saturday, August 22, 2015

Week 1 Curation

Okay. Let me just say that I love organization. All forms of it. However and wherever and whenever I can get it. My closet is divided into seasons and then further sorted by color. My bookcase is organized alphabetically and by type of book. I keep my movies in a shoebox organized by title name and type of movie. Typing it out makes it seem like I have more of a problem than I am willing to actually acknowledge, but the point is that I really, really like for things to have a rightful place. And sadly, today is the first day that I have found a way to organize as obsessively on my computer as I do in my own physical reality.

Bookmarks, guys. I've known about this and Safari's reading list for years but oh my god I had no idea that I could organize all that with folders. That is like my dream come true. My very sad, very nerdy dream (Life is too short to care, so whatever). This is great; finally another way for me to keep my jumbled thoughts a little more put together.

It was mentioned that I should share my thoughts and my best internet finds for the week on a weekly blog post and I could totally get behind that. Most likely it will be so so so random and have something to do with women, or the election, or human rights, or probably just like puppies, but it would be interesting for me nonetheless and I could definitely get behind it.

I'm honestly not really an avid user of social networking sites. So hearing that Pinterest, Twitter, and other similar sites can be used to keep your electronic self organized is news to me and I would love to grow my knowledge in that subject.

On another note, here is basically how I keep my self together technologically. Bookmarks. Make them. Love them. Use them. But that is just for websites I visit a lot, such as D2L or Ozone. For papers and things that I have to make myself, I use folders. So many folders inside of so many folders. I have assignments from high school just living in my mac for the rest of eternity. For assignments and that kind of thing I use this app called iStudiez Pro. Honestly it was the best purchase I have ever made for my iPad and is everything I could ask for in a personal school planner.
Image information: Screenshot of my life in folders: 2015

Stick around for more thought curations in my future posts. I'll do my best to keep it interesting.

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