Monday, November 2, 2015

Week 11 Reading Diary B: Celtic Fairy Tales cont.

Image information: Changeling baby. Source: PJ Lynch
Good and just king. Owned churches. All was well until he lost his health. Got a goose to make him feel better about the fact that he was too old to hunt. Goose too grew old and the the king became entirely lost. Meets a man who makes a living making old things new again. King trades all of his land for the man to save his goose. 

Fairy boy born, grew, and asked for a woman’s hand in marriage all in the same day. Was given tasks to be given the woman—get this old goblin to tell why he stopped laughing. If he failed, he would have his head on a stake. Went looking for info on the man. Became his cowboy. Fought a giant, cut off its five heads, and threw the heads over the wall. Kept the tongues in his pocket. Someone else took credit and took the lady’s hand in marriage. He told the goblin what happened and he spoke to the king on his behalf and that allowed him to marry the princess. 

Favorite dog thought to have eaten his master’s baby instead of going on a hunt with him. Killed the dog in revenge. Turns out the dog protected his baby from a huge wolf. That’s really sad.

Leaving home for work. Somehow got conned into working for advice. This advice ended up saving his life on his trip home to his wife. Ended up even getting the wages for his work as well.

Man who knew everything suddenly knew nothing. Accosted and told to tell a story to formless voice. Told a story of his adventures and all went back to normal.

Twins left all alone in a house. Saw elves during the day on her way back—became very worried. Nothing was amiss—except over time the babies never grew. Changeling babies. Goblins saved their own babies and she got hers back AFTER SHE THREW THE CHANGELINGS IN THE RIVER.

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