Monday, October 12, 2015

Reflections: Looking Forward

Image Information: Large and In charge; Armed with a bandana. Source: Me

            I started off this class working relatively far ahead and I think that I need to get back to that in the future of this class. Most recently I have been working each week as it is presented to me, and while it is working, I think that it’ll be a little less stressful if I work ahead and get on track to finish early. I also would like to put more thought into my storytelling posts. I feel as if my first one was my best and I would really like all of the posts to be of the same caliber. There have been a lot of readings in the last seven weeks, and it was hard to pick a single favorite, but I really just liked how much reading I did and all the different cultures I was able to get a glimpse into.
            In the future weeks I look forward to reading more stories from even more cultures and getting into the themes present in stories around the world. In the future I want to take this class a little more seriously and consolidate the week’s work to a couple of days a week instead of every day. If I work enough, I can work ahead and get a rather good head start. I also think I’m going to start doing the coursework at the library since it is easier to focus and I get more done faster.

            Here’s to the future weeks. Hooray we are half way there.


  1. Hello Amanda!
    Happy half-way there week! I think this semester has gone by rather quickly. I too want to try to finish this class early. I hope we both make it to the goal! It really does help to have one less class to juggle. I try to spend one day a week on this class if I can. It helps me to focus and get ahead, but it doesn't always work for me. This week I have midterms to do, so I am trying to get this one done and focus on other stuff. Good luck with the rest of your semester.

  2. Hi again Amanda! I'm in the same boat as you! I started out working ahead in this class and eventually have been working each week as it is presented. It is kind of hard to motivate myself to work ahead when there's a lot of other coursework to do, you know?
    I also agree that my stories from the first few weeks are better then the most recent ones. I think it's because, for me, if I'm too busy, I don't put as much thought in them. In the beginning, there wasn't as much stress so I was able to spend more time. However, I hope you're able to work even further ahead this semester. Good luck!
