This semester has given me the opportunity to read more than
I have in a long time, and not only were the readings all really interesting,
but they were all stories that people often reference from all kinds of
different cultures. Without having them all in one place like this, I probably
never would have gotten to read as much as I did.
My favorite
readings were all of the fairy tales. I know that that is vague, but I really
thought it was great to read so many different fairy tales from so many
different cultures and see how they all were similar and different. It was a
really connective experience.
I think
that it was most effective to do all of the reading in a day and let them soak
it. I also found that I got more out of the story if I read each one completely
before writing my notes over it, because then I only wrote down what really
resonated with me. I found that if I did it at the same time it was too easy to
just write a summary.
I think the
balance between reading, writing, and commenting was really well thought out. I
never felt like I was really ever doing one more so than the other, so I think
it all worked together really well.
My advice
is the same as it would have been at the beginning (and I should have listened
to myself) read ahead, get ahead, and do enough so that you’re not going to be
on the line at the end of the semester. Take the extra credit at the beginning
because you might need it at the end!
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